NAPPN Executive Board
2024 To 2025 NAPPN Executive Board
Jeff Aguilar
2023 - 2025
Consultant -
Noah Fahlgren
2024 - 2026 -
Yufeng Ge
2024 - 2026 -
Valerio Hoyos-Villegas
2023 - 2025
McGill University -
Paul McMahon
2023 - 2025
Phenospex -
Addie Thompson
2023 - 2025
Michigan State University -
Sara Tirado-Tolosa
2024 - 2026
Past Executive Board Members
2023-2024 Executive Board
Jeff Aguilar
Valerio Hoyos-Villegas (Co-Chair)
Paul McMahon
Matthew Smalley (Treasurer)
Addie Thompson
Sierra Young (Chair)
Alina Zare
2022-2023 Executive Board
Malia Gehan (Chair)
Kelly Gillespie (Treasurer)
Argelia Lorence
Christine Morgan
Matthew Smalley
Sierra Young
Alina Zare
2021-2022 Executive Board
Jennifer Clarke (Chair)
Malia Gehan (Co-Chair)
Kelly Gillespie (Treasurer)
Tabare Abadie
Argelia Lorence
Christine Morgan
Amy Tabb
2020-2021 Executive Board
Tabare Abadie
Jennifer Clarke (Co-Chair)
Frank Dohleman (Treasurer)
David Ertl
Andrew Leakey
Amy Tabb
Chris Topp (Chair)
2019-2020 Executive Board
Carolyn J. Lawrence-Dill (Chair)
Frank Dohleman
David Ertl
Jian Jin
Andrew Leakey
Charlie Messina
Chris Topp (Co-Chair)
2018-2019 Executive Board
April Agee Carroll (Chair)
David Ertl
Jian Jin
Carolyn J. Lawrence-Dill (Co-Chair)
Charlie Messina
Seth Murray
Chris Topp
2017-2018 Ad hoc Board
April Agee Carroll
Jennifer Clarke
Noah Fahlgren
Malia Gehan
Carolyn J. Lawrence-Dill
Argelia Lorence
Mitch Tuinstra
NAPPN Executive Board Member Responsibilities
The role of the board is to:
Establish the mission, goals, and policies of the organization, what we should accomplish, and how we should conduct ourselves in the process.
Develop a long-range plan for the organization; define our strategy and a time frame for achievement of our goals.
Ensure the long-term financial stability and strength of the organization, develop and maintain sources of income to provide for the continuing operation of the organization.
Ensure the long-term organizational stability and strength of the organization, bring into the organization individuals with the necessary abilities to lead and manage the organization in the future.
Maintain the integrity, independence, and ideals of the organization; do not allow individuals or organizations to compromise these principles.
Exercise management oversight of the executive director and the operations, approve annual budgets, review operating and financial results, audit for compliance with internal policies and external requirements, review performance against goals.
The responsibilities of a board member are to:
Be committed to the mission, goals, and policies of the organization.
Perform the functions and work of the board to the best of one’s ability.
Recommend others who could serve on the board or be of particular value to the organization in other capacities.
Avoid any conflicts of interest and situations that would compromise the principles of the organization or lead to the perception of compromise.
Be knowledgeable about the organization, the services it provides, and the community which it represents.
NAPPN Officer Responsibilities
The officers have specific roles and responsibilities in addition to those they have as members of the board of directors.
The president is the executive officer of the organization and in this capacity shall:
Preside over board meetings.
Serves as chairman of the executive committee.
Serves as an ex-officio member of all other committees except the nominating committee.
Recommend what committees should be formed and who should chair them.
Be a primary spokesperson for the organization.
Lead the board in the performance of its responsibilities.
Perform such duties as directed by the by-laws and the board.
Vice President
The vice president is the operations officer of the organization and in this capacity shall:
Perform those functions delegated to the vice president by the president.
Perform the duties of the president when the president is unable to perform them.
Serve as the chair of at least one committee that is operational in scope.
Lead the Board’s involvement in the annual NAPPN conference.
The secretary is the officer responsible for the records and correspondence of the organization and in this capacity shall:
Perform those functions delegated to the secretary by the president.
Safeguard all the records of the organization.
Record and retain the minutes of all board and executive committee meetings and collect and retain the minutes of all other committees meetings.
Give notice of meetings and distribute minutes and other documents as needed.
Serve as chair of one committee.
The treasurer is the financial officer of the organization and in this capacity shall:
Perform those functions delegated to the treasurer by the president.
Safeguard the assets of the organization.
Maintain control over the receipt and disbursement of the organization’s funds.
Manage finances and reports related to external grants.
Serve as chair of the Finance committee.
Oversee the preparation of the annual budget.
Each board member (except the Treasurer) may convene a subcommittee of individuals from the community to assist with the execution of their responsibilities.
Other Board Roles
Members of the board without an officer role will have a role and responsibilities. Below are possible roles and responsibilities that must be fulfilled by these members.
Manage nomination and election of new board members
Manage the nomination and selection of NAPPN awardees in coordination with the NAPPN awards committee
Serve as compliance officers to ensure that the board activities are consistent with the NAPPN bylaws
Manage the guidelines, expectations, and communication with NAPPN affinity groups
Organize and publish the NAPPN newsletter
Manage and promote NAPPN membership
Serve as point of contact for relationships between NAPPN and other scientific organizations
The executive board meets virtually for about an hour each month. Heavy activity or special event planning can shorten the interval between meetings. Board members should be involved in one or more areas such as membership, awards, ID&E, annual meeting planning, etc.
NAPPN is a member of the Alliance of Nonprofits for Insurance, Risk Retention Group (ANI). NAPPN retains General Liability insurance and Directors and Officers (D&O) Liability and Employment Liability insurance. D&O Liability insurance is designed to protect those who serve as directors or officers from personal losses if they are sued by the organization’s employees, vendors, customers, or other parties.