NAPPN Communications Policy
How to share events and position advertisements with NAPPN
1. Send your announcement to the NAPPN mailing list, nappn@mailgate.cyverse.org. If you aren’t allowed to post, you will have to join first: https://nappn.plant-phenotyping.org/join/.
NAPPN home page and the NAPPN Social Media Accounts
We only post announcements that have been sent through the mailing list, so please do step #1 first.
2. Website: Please send a web link for your position announcement. Web links will speed getting your materials posted. If not, we will convert your (preferably) Word document to a html file. Currently, events and position announcements are under ‘news’, on the right side of https://nappn.plant-phenotyping.org/ .
3. Twitter: Our Twitter account is @NAPPN_org. Information needed for a Twitter announcement includes: 1) web link to the event or position announcement and 2) relevant Twitter ids to include. Alternately, the @NAPPN_org account can retweet a tweet that has all of the position information if you send the link to Amy Tabb.