

North American Plant Phenotyping Network Conference

The North American Plant Phenotyping Network (NAPPN) is an association of scientists and researchers in the rapidly evolving area of plant phenomics, formed as a regional partner of the International Plant Phenotyping Network (IPPN).

The vison of the NAPPN is that the field of phenomics will become so advanced that the tools that would enable researchers to analyze and quantify phenotypic data become turn-key, thus enabling plant biologists to treat phenotypic prediction as a routine component of plant biological investigation and development.

NAPPN is a 501(c)(3) professional society devoted to advancing plant phenomics research and education. It organizes conferences, and other educational activities that are key to the advancement of its science.

Learn more at the NAPPN Website.

The 2021 NAPPN Annual Conference is a ISCB Affiliated Conference. ISCB members receive a 15% discount on registration fees. If you would like to receive the ISCB discount and you are not a current ISCB member, be sure to become a ISCB member before registering. If you already are a ISCB member, use the appropriate code (“iscbstudent”, “iscbpostdoc”, or “iscbprofessional“) when registering.

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What is the relationship of this conference to the Phenome conference?

The Phenome conferences were a successful joint venture between ASPB and NAPPN, and were held annually from 2017 through 2020. For 2021 there will not be a Phenome meeting. Instead, ASPB has graciously agreed to advertise our conference to their membership.

The agenda is in what time zone?

All times are Central Standard Time (CST). The program schedule is designed for morning and evening sessions to accommodate attendees from other time zones and geographic regions.

Do you have reduced registration fees for individuals from other countries?

If you reside in a country that is listed on the 2020 DAC List of ODA Recipients you qualify for reduced registration fees. Please contact us for a registration discount code!

Also, ISCB Members receive a 15% discount on registration fees. If you are a ISCB member, please use the appropriate code: “iscbstudent”, “iscbpostdoc”, or “iscbprofessional“.

Do you welcome international participants (outside of North America)?

Yes and Yes!

Are these any scholarships for students/postdocs?

We have a limited number of scholarships available thanks to our generous sponsors. Please contact us if you are a student or postdoc and would like to request a scholarship to reduce the cost of registration.

How do I access the Virtual Conference?

You have to register first. Then, you can access all conference materials and activities through Whova. If you are using a Desktop or Laptop, you can use the Whova Portal; Mobile users can download the Whova app.

What platforms and accessibility will be used to deliver conference content?

Sessions will stream live through Zoom, and on-demand through Vimeo, to all registered attendees. Connection Information will be available on the day of the conference through the Whova Desktop and Mobile apps. You can access Whova to get the latest news and updates, and select your own personalized conference schedule!

What is the NAPPN?

The North American Plant Phenotyping Network is a non-profit scientific community focused on promoting, developing, and collaborating on activities in and around plant phenotyping. The NAPPN was established in 2016 as a regional partner of the International Plant Phenotyping Network (IPPN). For more information please visit our webpage.

How do I become a NAPPN member?

You can choose to be a member as part of the registration process, or you can visit the NAPPN website to sign up for membership. It’s FREE!

Will content be available after the end of the conference?

The conference webpage will remain accessible. All content will be accessible through the Whova platform for all registrants for a period of at least 3 months after the conclusion of the conference.

What about 2022?

A program committee for 2022 is already working on plans for a conference. This will be a hybrid conference, with both in-person and online content.



Logistics Committee


Frank Dohleman, Chair

Founder and Managing Member. Climate, Agriculture and Partnership Solutions (CAPS) Consulting, LLC


Keshav D Singh

University of Saskatchewan


David Ertl, Co-Chair

Iowa Corn Promotion Board


Darwin Campbell

Iowa State University


April Agee Carroll

Bayer Crop Science

Program Committee


Jennifer Clarke, Chair

Statistics, Food Science & Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Noah Fahlgren, Co-Chair

Data Science Facility, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center


Javad Velni

University of Georgia


Sierra Young

Biological and Agricultural Engineering, North Carolina State University


Lakshmi Manavalan

Biologics Disease Control Research Lead, Bayer, West Sacramento, CA, USA


Fiona Goggin

University of Arkansas


Valerio Hoyos-Villegas

McGill University, Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences


Yufeng Ge

Biological Systems Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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